Scientific Program

Scientific Program

Québec-Océan's scientific program is aligned with the "Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development", an international initiative spearheaded by the United Nations. Our work strives to better understand marine ecosystems, predict their evolution, and support governments and the various sectors of Quebec’s society in their efforts to preserve the marine environment and conciliate multiple ocean uses. 

Axis 1 — "Blue Planet: Towards a sustainable use of marine ecosystems", aims to produce new scientific knowledge to inform the public and support different sectors of activity (governments, industry, NPOs) in decision-making and the design of measures. The final objective is to maintain the integrity of our coastal ecosystems, while ensuring the safe use of the marine environment and limiting the cumulative impacts of our activities on the global ocean.

Axis 2 — "New Frontiers in Oceanography: Observing and Modeling for Better Understanding and Protection", seeks to expand the frontiers of knowledge and to develop tools of observation and prediction in order to support the work carried out under Axis 1.